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  3. We held the Doll's Festival event with a baby giant panda,"Yuihin", and twin pandas, "Ouhin & Touhin"
Giant Panda News

We held the Doll's Festival event with a baby giant panda,"Yuihin", and twin pandas, "Ouhin & Touhin"

2017.03.03 Fri

Today is a Doll's Festival ! We held the Doll's Festival event with the baby giant panda,"Yuihin" and twin pandas, "Ouhin and Touhin" .

We presented a s​l​i​d​i​n​g​ ​w​a​y​ ​a​n​d​ ​a​ ​p​l​a​y​t​h​i​n​g​ ​f​o​r​ ​c​l​i​m​b​i​n​g​ for Yuihin. She immediaterly climbed a new playthings. She could slide a slidingway well.

We gave a colorful ice for the twin pandas, "Ouhin and Touhin" The ice was shaped of cherry blossoms and peach blossoms after their names.
They seemeed to like the present and enjoyed licking it.

We photographed with the guests after the event! Thank you for coming today!