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  3. Giant Pandas

Five Giant Pandas are living in Adventure World.
They are the largest family in Japan.

良浜 Rauhin (Female)

Date of birth: September 6, 2000 in Adventure World

She was born on November 6, 2000. It was the first birth in 12 years in Japan. She grew up to be a fine Giant Panda. She had twin pandas, "Meihin" and "Eihin" on September 13, 2008. It was the first time that a giant panda born in Japan gave birth.

結浜 Yuihin (Female)

Date of birth: September 18, 2016 in Adventure World

She was the biggest baby in Adventure World when she was born, birth weight: 197g. She is very curious and her most attractive feature is pointed hair on the head.

彩浜 Saihin (Female)

Date of birth: August 14 2018 in Adventure World

She was the smallest baby in Adventure World when she was born, birth weight: 75g.

楓浜 Fuhin (Female)

Date of birth: November 11 2020 in Adventure World

Fuhin born on Good Couple Day. She was born, birth weight 157g

Introduction of Panda Family

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